
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Episode 71 - ”Get Back! It was Beyond My Expectations”
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
All things "Get Back!" today. The Beatles docuseries was the inspiration to get Sean, Justin and Michelle back to the mic almost a year after their last podcast. With the pandemic still underway, it was nice to focus on something so joyful. The long and winding discussion touched on the Rooftop concert, Sean's super-fan expectations realized for all this new footage, Michelle's emotional connections, and Justin's appreciation of the work and effort involved. All to say, "three thumbs up!"

Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Episode 70 - "There is Hopefully Hope"
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Justin and Michelle finally hopped onto a FB Messenger Video chat with Sean to get back to podcasting. While still in the midst of the pandemic (much has changed and much has not since the last episode), the trio discussed the latest coverage in BC (Canada) of Dr. Bonnie Henry, including a recent interview, and vaccine line jumpers. Sean mentioned an article that sparked the segment of how politicians are often a generation (or three!) behind when reacting to criticism. The public craves much more transparency and frankness than most politicians wants to give. Of course, the resignation of Julie Payette, the former Governor General was discussed. Their last big conversation (before delving into New World Pinot Noirs), was of course the recent transition of the federal government in the US.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Episode 69 - "We Say We're Back Every Time... COVID-19 Edition"
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
It took a pandemic for Sean and Justin (and now Michelle!) to dust off the microphone and sit down to do an episode virtually, safely distanced apart from each other. The topic of motivation? The sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, and the questionable media coverage of it. Also on their minds, the missed opportunity of Bernie Sanders campaign and the protests taking place in the US against the quarantine. Here's a link to the blog that was referenced about explaining the Evangelical Christian perspective. And links to Ozark (watch it!) and The Sinner Season 3 (don't!).

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Episode 68 - "We're Back!"
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
After a 1 year unintended hiatus, Sean and Justin are back for episode 68, with Justin's partner Michelle as their special "in studio" guest (as well as an in-the-background cameo appearance by Sean's partner Elaine and their dog Sadie!). The trio celebrate by casting over a glass of Coeur de Terre Pinot Noir. The episode has three parts. First, some podcast recommendations: My Dad Wrote a Porno, Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, Discography, Serial: Season 3, and the Acting Real episode with Josh Radnor. The second part involves some geeking out about wine and Sean's wine education. The third part caps off the episode with current affairs talk - particularly on US-related topics (like what's going on in Venezuela) given the American in the room!

Wednesday Dec 27, 2017
Episode 67 - "I assume it'll be Mark Cuban or Ryan Seacrest in 2020"
Wednesday Dec 27, 2017
Wednesday Dec 27, 2017
Justin and Sean celebrated 10 years of recording "The Dot Matrix" podcast by welcoming their second guest in a row - this time Justin's partner Michelle. Michelle is completing her PhD research, which takes a learning lens to better understand social justice movements and what brings them together. She contributed her formidable and progressive voice to our podcasting duo. Because she was coming live from Chicago (the marvels of Skype!), the three focused on all the chaotic and dramatic happenings down in the US. The main topic of the day was the efforts to push through tax changes and the outrageous rushing of the process by even writing on the margins of the bill. A few other enraging videos they spoke about are here and here for your viewing pleasure. In the conversation, they reference two really great podcasts: By Any Means Necessary and On the Media (we've included links to the specific episodes they referenced). Also, according to the Onion, apparently you aren't supposed to leave Mike Pence alone with a Mrs. Butterworth bottle nearby.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Episode 66 - "We have our first guest today"
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
For Episode 66 (here's the Star Wars reference Justin was talking about), Sean and Justin sat down fairly quickly (at least of late!) since their last podcast to talk taxes. Yes, that's right. Taxes! Their long-time friend Karen, who is a doctor in Vancouver, wondered if they would be interested in having a discussion around the proposed tax changes that the Canadian government is proposing. And so the duo took to the Interwebs to find out more about the issue (like this useful radio interview), and Karen joined them as their first ever podcast guest (first in 10 years!) to take a deeper dive into the issue. Not being tax experts, the three do their best to understand the tax implications, but more importantly to unpack the real life implications to physicians and as well how emotional the language has been throughout the consultation process to date. Case in point, the pretty one-sided tone in which this blog was written. Public consultations continue until October 2, 2017. Finance Canada is receiving responses via fin.consultation.fin@canada.ca

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Episode 65 - "What Deserves My Total Outrage?"
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Sean and Justin sit down for the first time since March to record their much anticipated 65th episode. As the two tuck into some wine, cheese and crackers they 'cast, and take a page from wine podcasts like Tasting Room Radio. Being with an extended discussion about the Conor Sur Bicicleta Viognier they are drinking, Sean's raving about the Top Drop experience, and Justin's obsession with the Suvla Reserve Syrah 2011. Because it's 2017, the conversation inevitably turns to the political and governmental chaos happening down in the US. At the time of recording this podcast, Donald Trump's non-declarations against racist white supremacists was still top of mind. The conversation then takes related turns towards, a Boston University student who participated in the racist march, a trouble Fifth Estate episode about police in Thunder Bay, an enlightening TEDx video about cycling, and an unrelated final topic about the recent solar eclipse.

Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Episode 64 - "It took us 22 minutes to mention Trump - not bad!"
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Justin and Sean sat down to do some podcasting and started by listing some of the podcasts they listen to regularly: Canadaland, On the Media, The Daily, Modern Love the Podcast, Democracy Now, Here's the Thing, By Any Means Necessary, CBC's Power and Politics and Tasting Room Radio. While describing their #trypod recommendations, they moved onto... not anything Trump yet (wait for it!), but about how personal stories and experiences should be influencing policy, governance and the law. Sean noted Lisa Raitt's revelation about her husband as she runs for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. Eventually... 22 minutes in, they get to Trump and the Healthcare vote. But soon they move onto better non-Trump topics like a This Hour Has 22 Minutes video about Canadian judges being incredibly on point, the upcoming BC election, the duo's recent Cap Crusher trail race, and finally a strong recommendation for Graceland's 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon that was decanting as they podcasted. Not a bad topic to end on.

Monday Nov 21, 2016
Episode 63 - "I Feel Disbelief"
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
As you can tell from the title of episode 63, Justin and Sean are talking post-election win of Donald J (whatever that stands for) Trump. The two finally sit down again, to process their own reactions and thoughts about the win - from disbelief to a rejection of covering elections like a horse race, to what all this reminds us about humanity. The two also sat down right after participating in a large and inspiring pro-environment rally in Vancouver to send a clear message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - do not approve the Kinder Morgan pipeline, and more specifically actually BE the climate leader you said you would be during the campaign last year. And, as promised, here are some links to podcasts (general or specific episodes) that the two referenced during their discussion: By Any Means Necessary, Democracy Now, Here's the Thing with Alex Baldwin, On the Media (their series called The Poverty Tour is exceptional), and The David Gregory Show.

Saturday May 21, 2016
Episode 62 - "Do You Hate Trump or Do You Hate the System?"
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Sean and Justin sit down in for a podcast pretty quickly after their last one (quickly for them!) and it was good timing given that everyone was talking about Donald Trump becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States. Obviously it became the main topic of conversation, but not just to boost listenership! Through the circus that is happening in the US, the two unpack the idea of leadership and the difference between things like value, tactics, demeanour, spirit and tone. A little comparison with Justin Trudeau was inevitable along the way!